We are very glad to see you are interested in joining the Legion of Shadows, If you wish to join we ask you fill out the form below and post it in this forum, you then will be contacted about your application with further instructions. We do ask then when you join the forums you use the name you use in-game so it is easy for us to know who you are, if you do not know what you want your name to be yet, you can just make your name whatever you want and we will change it to your in-game name when you decide.
First of all we ask you read what the Legion is about found
HEREOnce you have done that just fill out the brief form below and post it in the forum and you will be contacted with further information asap.
In-game name:
Nation: (nation you plan to play as in game)
Profession: (if your not a pirate what profession you play as goes here)
Age: (real life age, but dont worry we accept members of all ages.)
A little about yourself: (just a short bio describing yourself and what your looking forward to most in PotBS and why you think you would be a good part of the Legion, be as detailed or brief as you wish).